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Role of AI in healthcare

  As everyone knows AI owns the ongoing era and literally there is no doubt on it. In recent few years we are hearing a lot about AI and it’s impact on human civilization and it is making everything easy for humans and humans are further making things easy for other living beings and society. As an aspiring AI/ML engineer I have a quote on my desk that always inspires me and that is : The future is AI and I am building it -Hamza so this article is basically about role of AI in healthcare I will help you guys understand how AI is helping healthcare become better and more efficient. I will discuss different topics like: 1-Introduction 2-Clinical decision making 3-AI in hospital operations and management 4-AI in medical imaging and diagnostic 5-AI in patient care monitoring 6-Challanges and Limitations 7-Future so let’s dive right into our topic (: 1-Introduction Firstly I want to add that Healthcare is a vast field as it encompasses improvement of physical and mental health through treat

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